gas station map of the GDR, close up on the map
gas station map of the GDR with the mascot Minol-Pirol
gas station map of the GDR with the mascot Minol-Pirol
gas station map of the GDR, close up on the map
gas station map of the GDR, close up on the map
gas station map of the GDR, close up on the map
gas station map of the GDR with the mascot Minol-Pirol

Petrol-station map

Petrol-station map with petrol stations of category I and II of the VEB Kombinat Minol

The 21.5 x 15.5 cm GDR petrol-station map shows where drivers can refuel at Category I and II stations of the VEB Kombinat Minol, with info-charts on the rear side. The entire map is covered with images of the Minol oriole, as well as the yellow and orange logo of VEB Kombinat Minol. Minol petrol stations were the only places to refuel in the GDR apart from “Intertank” stations. The name Minol is derived from the two first syllables of “mineral” and the Latin “Oleum”, meaning oil. The yellow Minol oriole with a blue overall and hat was the company’s well-known mascot. It was designed in 1962 by Heiner Knappe. Even rubber figures were produced of the bird. In the mid-1980s, the graphic designer Wolfgang Schubert updated the oriole with orange dungarees and a baseball cap.

Key data

VEB Kombinat Minol; VEB Hermann Haack, Geographical-Cartographic Institute Gotha
Advertising character Minol oriole: Heiner Knappe; Wolfgang Schubert
LxW (Petrol-station map): 21,5 x 15,5 cm


  • Advertising
  • Car
  • Cartography
  • Excursion
  • Fuel
  • Holiday
  • Lubricant
  • Maps
  • Mascot
  • Minol
  • colorful